Branding. Copy.

Package Design.

Motion Graphics.

Let’s Be


Fussy isn’t like a regular beer company.
(Because it doesn’t exist)
An exercise in systems, guidelines,
animations, and layouts.


Enter a saturated market where “cool breweries” are a dime a dozen. Create a system that stands out on the shelf while remaining true to the brands fictitious origin. Each label needs to stand alone and be strong enough to tell its story, but when put together they harmonize and sing in their cohesiveness.

  • In the heart of the Pacific Northwest, nestled among the majestic mountains and lush forests, Fussy was born. With a mission to create exceptional brews while fostering a sense of community, we set out to redefine what it means to be a beer company.

    With a nod to the past and a celebration of the present, Fussy embodies the perfect blend of tradition and modernity. We pay homage to the brewing techniques of old, using time honoured methods to craft a lineup of extraordinary beers. From the classic allure of our Wheat Beer and Pilsner to the bold and innovative flavours of our Saison, Stout, and IPA, we offer a diverse range of brews that cater to every beer lover's palate.

  • The inspiration came from a blend of 1800’s German Beer labels and Japanese fruit ads.

    Each label contains a hand drawn element.

    All photography and animation was done in house.


Animation Reel


Creative Direction + Photography